Ashraf Sinclair Bercium Dengan Bunga Citra!

ni aku rase paparazzi indo n yang amek gambar ni..hehe kalau kat malaysia mesti da kecoh ni!ape nak jadi ni.hehe
BCL - Assraf, Mesra dan 'Hot' - Siapa sebenarnya jati diri kekasih Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), akhirnya terkuak. Pria tersebut tak lain adalah Assraf Sinclair.Tidak seperti pemberitaan selama ini, pria warga negara Malaysiatersebut berprofesi sebagai aktor, bukan keturunan bangsawan ataupunpangeran. Ini berdasarkan penuturan BCL sendiri, kalau ia memangmempunyai hubungan khusus dengan Assraf.Dan kini, keduanyakepergok saat tengah berciuman mesra, dalam sebuah liburan 'romantis'di salah satu pantai di Pulau Bali, sekitar bulan Juni dan Juli lalu.Hal ini tak dibantah oleh BCL. Apalagi ada bukti foto keduanya, yangjelas menunjukkan hal itu.
Benar atau tidak, sudah ada satu 'titik terang' kalau BCL memang berpacaran dengan Assraf. Dan sejauh mana keseriusan artis yang sempat diduga menjadi orang ketiga dalam rumah tangga Ariel Peterpan itu, masih belum pasti. Sebab sejak putus dengan Hengky Kurniawan, BCL terlihat sulit jatuh cinta lagi
perghhh..............bontot pompuan tuh..........


ni ceomolot perancis ke ceom2 biasa????fuiyoh! bontot pompuan yg maner ko refer tu....yg belah kiri bikini itam putih tu aku tgk cellulite berkeliaran jer


hmm...takleh nk kata apa..ashraf bercium..hmm...mat rempit n minah rempit mesia lagi pejabat kerajaan pun berani cium dan beromen dalam no point nk kata dia islam ke kafir..bunga n ashraf memang dh konfem islam.
tp, at least semua sedia maklumlah sekarang yang ASHRAF SINCLAIR IS STR8....


so, takyah ragu2 ashraf ni gay ke tidak..unless pas ni ada beberapa aktor muda lagi yg bercium semata2 nk buktikan kestr8an diorang..that ridiculios...


tunggu je la komen dan alasan diorang ni......
hahaha.. mesti gmb ni tersebar tak lama lagi. bising la malaysia.
wow. . dats kewl man... menjawab la korang nanti yek.. huhuhu...
panas siut berita nie.. habih la nanti mesia da tahu...
habis la kalau metro tau.. mesti buat mcm2 statement sebab nak lakukan akhbar diorang tu...
dgr cite, si BCL ni ade breast cancer? hmm tak tau sejauh mane kebenaran nih.
la.. yeke BCL ni ade cancer?? ok r tu.. BCL stands for Breast Cancer Lover... hmm.... tp perut dia buncit r...
lepas ni pasti malu nak kuaq tv punya... dia malu ?? mak bapak dia malu tak???
Aq nak nyelit gak...Puhh..sket punye ramai yg dah taw cite nih..Hmm..whateva la..Korg jawab..Dunia leh la slamat, akhirat ??? Jawab la ...
biar la dia nak bercium ke apa ke.. kalau nak tangkap gambar orang melayu bercium kat malaysia ni sehari bleh dikumpul dalm beribu2.. apa la nak kecuh nie
I dont think you should have write about this. and i know the link in the blog wasnt typed by ashraf himself. because ashraf likes privacy and i dont think he would post it when he knows reporters are reading it. someone hacked the account for sure. its his private life which should not be disturb but be respected. though in world he could do anything he want when it comes to the end of the world, he would deal with it himself and we are not involved at all. so he chose his way so why we care?
we care becoz we r a muslim. there are do and dont in islam, and this is definitely DON'T!
("Siapa yang melihat kemungkaran di antara kalian, maka hen- daklah ia mengubah kemungkaran itu dengan tangannya, jika ia tidak mampu maka dengan lisannya, dan jika ia tidak mampu maka dengan hatinya, dan yang demikian itu adalah selemah-lemahnya iman." (HR. Muslim, 1/69))
bertaubat lah ashraf....awak tu muslim tak sedar diri!
ya allah apa nak jadi ni..sikit pun tak rasa malu..siap mohon maaf kat metro lagi..
bodoh je nampak..
ashraf..ashraf...tambah2 buruk la nama artis kita..
wat malu malaysia je..u g dok us la nak wat perangai buruk cam ni...
cian artis lain kerna nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga,apa lebih nya c minah indon tu tah ler..dah la pakaian cam sial..islam aper cam tu...nampak2 rosak..mcam tu pun u nak..banyak lagi gadis maysia yang anggun ayu bertudung..memang tak er akal la u
ashraf nampak ensem kat luar jer..
dalam cis!!!busuk cam bangkal..
konon suasana terlalu romantik matahari terbenam..tak tahan la..
cis!!!pengakuan cam sial..
terpengaruh ngan setan..
ish!!!ish!!! seronok setan dapat kawan cam ko..uhuhu
ala celebriti pe nak heran psl malu. cukup dgn mitak maaf kt prest conference abis cite. diorg peduli pe psl pndangan masyarakat. janji dpt kluar tv
aper lah dieorg nie..
tak ada MARUAH diri ker...
dah lah artis..
lepas tu buat bender yg tak senonoh plak tu..
biasalah budak zaman skarang..
you people are such hypocrites...and so pathetic. look yourselves in the mirror before you coment on others. as though you are all so bloody perfect!!
boleh kata semua artis macam ni... so tak yah la mimpi nak kawin dengan artis melainkan kehidupan kita pun macam artis jugak....
yela.. brla drg nk wat pe... x heran pun nk ckp gadis ayu guna tudung lg baik tk ke, bru je kuar news ada psgn yg pmpuanya pkai tudung kt klcc bt benda x senonoh... pela jd kt msia ni
tudung tu wajib bg sume muslimah, jgn pertikaikn psl wanita btudung baik atau tdk! alasan ashraf kat metro tu cam bodo je! "Apa yg tjadi dtg dr ketulusan hati kami bdua" (Ashraf)....? istighafar la woi! nafsu tu...!
I think this picture is a beautiful picture, which speaks a thousand words. Everything about it is perfect, the intensity, the beautiful couple, the fun they had, everything. I, for one, love the picture.
Those of you who love to "jaga tepi kain org lain" can continue with your daily bitching, but the rest of us wish Ashraf and his girlfriend all the very best.
It's disappointing how the tabloids have portrayed this action as being harmful, practically forcing an apology out of him. He should not be made to feel trapped this way.
Half of you are jealous because you can't get him and the other half are jealous because you can't get girls as much as he does, if at all.
Celebrities are public figures and their job is to entertain. But whatever happens after their 'business hours' is none of your damn business and they should not be made to feel paranoid about situations like these in the future.
So before you hypocrites start pointing fingers at acts as small as these, try taking your own kids off the streets (provided you're not one yourself) for one thing. Try not to litter, steal, cheat, lie, peddle drugs, run a red light, and a hell lot of other things that are illegal.
Bodoh..minta maaf dengan Allah la..Kenapa nak minta maaf dengan peminat pulak..
buat malu je ashraf nie...satu world tahu....ade macam nie...erm
astaga.... bukan nak jaga tepi kain... perkara haram tetap haram.. kalu dh tak leh thn sangat naper x kawen jer. pasni blhla pengarah kt msia ni wat filem adegan cium mlt plak... mener g idntity mlayu.. kt peminat ngan wrtwan je. Tuhan mcame?sndri mau ingtlah asraf
Diorang tu muslim ker? Dah check IC..apsal kecoh dah.. Nama kan Sinclair cam Simpsons juga
hekelleh...xde maknernye nk kcow2..
bdak 12 tawn pon da reti becium..
mcmlah pgg tgn 2 xdose..
nape ckp sal cium..?
nape xckp sal bikini c BCL 2..
2 lg terok kot..
i thought...juz a thought..
dis all become a big issue
just becoz they r famous..
ala..yang byk mengomen kat sini pun actually have dark secret cam neh jugak...
just korang nyew gambar tak kene publish or being violated by others..
u can say what eva u want to say...but look deeply inside u before u talk about others...
ape la nak jadi ngan artis2 ne.. i guess almost all artis kat msia ne wat sex xblum nikah kcuali ahli nasyid la. tu pun tak tau kesucian sbnar..
i guess si asraf ngn bunga ne pasti dah wat sex. open cam tu, bleh kissing apatah lg kat dlm keta or hotel or kat umah diorg! kompem ar diorg stay hotel kaT bali tu. astaga! tapi ak rse si asyraf tu better dr artis2 lelaki malaysia yg gay... harap muka jek hensem tp songsang!
Hyeppp... nice shot la that picture... siape yg ambil yea....?? org yg take that picture pun ntah2 same cam si ashraf tue... just die x display die nye picture je... ermm what i wanna say... mine yyr own business la... hak mereka.. sbb diorang ade parents n family.. so how their grown up x same cam org lain kot... so diorang maybe dah terbiasa dgn budaya barat... malaysia as a muslim country da wat mcm2 tuk elakkan bende camni... diorang pun bukan kat malaysia.. kalo kat malaysia mesti da kene 'cekup'.. so who to blame??? them self la... Ashraf n si Bunga tu adult... and they know who they are... muslim ke or x?? dosa n pahala masingnye buku amalan la... manusia sbgai khalifah hanya perlu menegur.. terima or not tue hak mereka... Allah tue maha mengetahui, Maha Besar... so people dont make the judgment k... tgk buku amalan sendiri dlu k.. and to ashraf and bunga... mind yr self yea... percaye pada Rukun Iman... ssungguhnye Qada dan Qadar Allah benar and Akhirat ttp akan datang... Ni la salah stu petunjuk akhir zaman.. Islam dan same macm kafir.. Nauzubillah... May Allah bless all the Muslim.. Amin..
ermm nak tambah a bit more... people look.. x kan la si Ashraf n bunga ni x de lansung buat kebaikan kan... so look them in +ve site... semoga kebaikan diorang boleh menghakis dose2 lain... and hope Allah give them the Bless atas kebaikan yg dibuat.. so hidayah akan sampai... just pray good 4 them yeah...
stop being hypokrit everyone..Nobody is perfact mind you own business...
kecoh je korang ni.
nak attack ashraf sorang je buat ape.
aku tak minat pun dia ni.
but aku rasa korang tak patut ah nak ckp² camni.
pasal apa yg dia buat ni dia deal sendiri dgn tuhan.
yg korang sibuk sgt kenapa?
dpt pahala ke kutuk dia?
mcm diri tu baik sgt jer.
assalamulaikum to all of the nk tanye eja_163 ni muslimah/muslim ke??/kau ni same ngan ashraf jugak ke???sanggup ko prthnkan org yg buat dosa???bercumbu kt tepi pantai...ngan ramai org nye....ko ni mesti same ngan die...menggalakkan org buat dosa....smua tu jgn back up diorng yg bongok tuh.....ko ni mesti bercumbu kat public ni???X DE MARUAH DIRI LANGSUNG!!!!!SMUANYE SETAN....
bukan nye nk jage tepi kain org....tapi aku sbgai org islam....mesti bantu yg dah terpesong ni...tgk smua ni???smuanye dosa!!!x blajar fardhu ain ke????kalau tu isteri die x pe la....mmg x patut...MENCEMARKAN name ISLAM!!!MEMALUKAN lagi MALAYSIA!!!kite sbgai org islam patut jage sesame muslim....x leh dibiarkan perkara ni berterusan....same same lah kite bawak diorang ke jln yg benar.....insyallah... said...
ermm nak tambah a bit more... people look.. x kan la si Ashraf n bunga ni x de lansung buat kebaikan kan...-->> yang baik tetap dapat pahala, haram tetap haram kan.. ada org suka komen sebab nak tunaikan tanggungjawab dia.. menghalang orang buat maksiat kan baik.. kita tak boleh kata hak dia.. abih kita ni yang tahu nanti pun kena soal jugak di akhirat.. apa yang kita nak jawab? hak dia? privacy dia? selagi lagi boleh kita tegur, kita tegur laa kan.. at least kita dah tunaikan tanggungjawab kita..
hello everyone! the way i look at it, muslim or not, he is still human. If there is one person talking in this blog who has NEVER had ill feelings or sexual feelings before wedding please stand up and say "yeah me!" He was caught that is all. Everyone does it, everyone wanna do it, he was caught.. why? cause he is simply human, and as human we have a setan and an angel. So why are you all bickering about? Oh another thing, appreciate the fact that he came out clean and admitted his mistake and said it was a mistake and he learned from it. Not like so many artists, avoid and make statements it was not me! if he was an ordinary person kissing in bali beach, a malaysian muslim, no one would know nor bother, just cause he is a muslim. don make him hate what he was born into just because of what you guys are saying, talk about the klcc malays who are the ones who relly destroy the islam community!
eh,bdk tadika pon tahu haram cium org yg bkn mahram.. niekn lg ashraf yg da 20plus.. klau setakat bg alsn suasana romantik 2 alsn yg plg bodoh aq prnh dgr.. de ke dlm islam klau suasana romantik kita bley cium or peluk org bkn mahram.. there is no such thing bout that.. klau da islam 2 islam la gak.. yg plg aq plik dua2 artis nie islam x kan x tau psl hkum plk.. lg 1 niat ktorg cuma nk tgr je.. dieorg artis spatutnya tnjk cnth yg baik pd msyrkt.. nie x lg tnjuk2 prngai brk.. wlaupun ashraf nie mat salleh celup tp die still islam.. so life die kne la ikut mcm org islam.. fhm
ashraf nie x de otak eh..slame nie nampak cam alim tp sbenarnye alim2 kucing..pikirla..ko tu dah rosakkan reputasi ko..hanya dgn sorang pompuan yg pakai bikini 2 pieces..slame nie pasti ramai peminat ko support ko & bile dgr bite nie pasti diorg terkejut..ko tu hanya ade kacukan mat salleh tapi ko tu org thing bout it..DON'T BE STUPID!!!!
asyraf ni melayu k? baru aku taw. hehe.. anyway, the truth is, if the wrong doing is just an ordinary human [not an artist, perhaps just a mat rempit, school student, etc], he/she won't never done a press conference. and this will just be an ordinary stuff other than them selve will be ignored.
NOTE: i did not say asyraf has done nothing wrong here
ooowhhhh... big talk here.... who said yg aku bkn islam huh?? of course im... i just said yg diorang kene la jage imej diorang as artis n muslim... bace btol2 komen aku... sometime org wat mistake... aku bkn cakp ape die wat betolll.... dose ttp dose.. aku just nak bg tau yg die pun manusia yg idup.. ade family n cre idup sendiri... mmg cre die salah ... so kite yg seMuslim just boleh tegur n doa jela... kalo ko nak kutuk2 tu ko nye hal... sbb mngutuk pun dapat dose... care nak ajak org ikut cre islam dngan cre lembut.. Rasullulah pun x pernah berdakwah dengan care yg kasar n x pernah tegur para sahbat dgn cre mngutuk...tol x?? setuju??
we r just dissapointed. very2 dissapointed.
terkilan tgk asyraf..kl ye pon jgn la wat camtuu..
sng2 kwEn j laaaa,,,xyh r nk 2njuk dpn2 owg la,,cupid pny owg,,wt mlu j bg kaum mlyu,,ap daaaa...!!!!
sng2 kwEn j laaa,,xyh nk 2njuk dpn owg lakk,,,cupid pny owg,,!!wt mlu j bg kaum mlayu,,!e'ely,,xkn cz r0mntic pn ley trkz,,kar0wt r..!!!slmbe dy j nk wt sume 2,,taw r lua malaysia,,aiyakk,,!
astagfirulah hal azim
teruk tol artis2 kat malaysia ni
semue hipokrik...
bkn asyraf je...tremasuk la yg lain2..
peluk sane peluk skrg dah men cium2 palk..
ingat lah sikit dunie semakin tue..
dah nak sampai penghujungnye da...
selagi pintu taubat terbuka..
cpt2 la bertaubat....
nanti menyesal dah x gune lg da...
ape2 pon biar tuhan je yg menghukum perbuatan yg diorg buat... a muslim, i really doesnt agree wif all diz..not only bcoz ashraff is an artist..but he's also a muslim..and as a muslim he should follow everyhting dat all ready stated in alQuran...sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil n Maha berharap siapa2 yg p'nah wat perbuatan terkutuk(phm2 sndr), sila bertaubat..kita xkn tau brp lama kta hdp d dunia ini..oh ya..mcm yg kamu semua tahu...malaysia berpegang pada prinsip RUKUNEGARA..jgn lupa yg prinsip RUKUNEGARA yg ke-5 mengatakan "Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan"..if u dont respect others, nobody will trust u..pape pn,semua yg baik itu dtg dr Allah dan yg buruk itu dtg dr kelemahan sy sndiri.. a muslim, i really doesnt agree wif all diz..not only bcoz ashraff is an artist..but he's also a muslim..and as a muslim he should follow everyhting dat already stated in alQuran...sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil n Maha berharap siapa2 yg p'nah wat perbuatan terkutuk(phm2 sndr), sila bertaubat..kita xkn tau brp lama kta hdp d dunia ini..oh ya..mcm yg kamu semua tahu...malaysia berpegang pada prinsip RUKUNEGARA..jgn lupa yg prinsip RUKUNEGARA yg ke-5 mengatakan "Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan"..if u dont respect others, nobody will trust u..pape pn,semua yg baik itu dtg dr Allah dan yg buruk itu dtg dr kelemahan sy sndiri..
eh ada typo error r tadi...supposed ayat saya tu "if u dont respect others, nobody will respect u"...slmt ari merdeka...b'sama2lah kita memerdekakan minda dr penjajah..
hye org islam sedar skit diri tu saper???
kalau da bukan muhrim tu..bajet2 ar...
kalau da x thn sgt kawin cepat2..
jgn malukan islam bleh x???
korang tlah memalukn agama, bangsa n negara..
to bcl:
~don't be such a bitch..
~murah giler..
since ur islam..x payah la tringin nak pakai bikini..
i HATE u both!~
bodoh gler r korg..
i have no words to say except that.... FOOL!!!!
bapak korang sume bodoh!!!
huargh..aku x kn pegi pantai bali..wat dose je..smue pakai kain x artis nih je islam..buat bende x senonoh..benci tul laa aku dgn kebanyakan artis malaysia nih..hipokrit je semue..
Nak buat camna benda dah jadi , jadilah.. Itu dosa dia biarlah dia tanggung sendiri melainkan kalo dia betul2 kawin ngan Si Bunga tu.. Dia dah terlanjur dan dia dah minta maaf .. Semoga Allah mengampunkan dosanya... Amin..
Jgn nak slhkan mak bapak diorg pulak sbb hanya diorang yg terlibat , bkn slh parents dia tp dia...
kpd semua bloggers,jgn r nak kutuk org je.cermin diri bkn nak backing ashraf dgn bunga,tp mugkin imannya lemah time tuh kot.hehe..nnt taubat la tu..rmi lg org kt kuar tu yg buat maksiat lgi truk dr kissing. cme ashraf tu artis malaysia je n beragama islam mmg r org nak condemn dia.. biarla,dosa dia tggung. korang just doakan dia kmbali ke jln Allah.
korang due ekor mmg bdh....!!!!!!
sdr diri r cket korang 2 ISLAM!!!
klo ye pn nk wt g2, jgn r dkt ngat, g r jauh cket... wakaka
byk2 kanlah solat sunat taubat especially bln ramadan nih...
pape pn, ak doakan korang due ekor akn dpt hidayah ALLAH x lme lg...
ak mtk maap r bebanyak klu komen ak menyinggung jiwa dan raga korang...
Negara & rakyat Malaysia masih di jajah??????
Selamat beramal..
mmg dah kecoh benda nih...nasib ko la kantoi..
seb baik aku tak minat ashraf nih.. he just not my cup of tea~~
sy ad satu soalan... inikah tanda2 kiamat... menakutkan... biarlah mrk dgn cara mrk. sy xnak!! sy x bodoh!!
org mesia ni mmg minat btul ngan hiburan mengatasi segalenye,, bnde laen tak produktif.. hiburan je yg dorg minat.. erra nk bcinte ngan sape pon kecow, asyraf nk bcinte ngan sape pon kecow..
sy cuma nk setuju dan ckp ttg 1 benda ja, dlam 28 juta rakyat malaysia, berapa juta yg x penah pegang tgn dgn bkn muhrim o b4 they u guy get married?? if the figure is over that 20 million, i can accept that you guys leh tegur org lain pya dosa, but if not, mind ur own bussiness then... nk terangkn kt cni 1 ja.... anda wat dosa xpe, tp bla org lain wat dosa anda melenting, bkn islam la, pe la.... hipokrit sgt2... jgn ckp seseorg tu malukan islam sedangkan anda pun memalukan islam dgn sedar dan sengaja wat x sedar yg anda x dak beza pun dgn asyraf ni.... cuba pk dosa kita dgn couple kita dlu sblm pk pasal org lain yg ber couple
its true that ramai couple dah mula melampaui batas, tapi when u are expecting others to accept what is definitely wrong, then something wrong somewhere. we dont want in future anak kita sendiri bawak girlfriend kissing depan kita dengan reason this is a common thing to do coz we are in love.. u get what i am saying...
eheh... mcm le kt msia nih ashraf sorg jer yg buat gitu... yg haram tetap haram.. artis atau tidak... menegur/menasihat ada cara dan adabnya dlm islam... yang pasti mengaibkan sesiapa di dalam blog salah caranya...
1. cium bukan muhrim = dosa
2. mengutuk/mengumpat orang = dosa jugak
then, apa bezanya?
kalau ikhlas nak menegur ashraf, send him PRIVATE letters/ email... bukan dengan umumkan dkt blog...
hablum minallah...
hablum minannas...
sila rujuk buku teks agama form 4..
harap jer negara dah merdeka
tapi mentaliti still di takuk lama
nilah bangsa kita
biler tah nak maju
sumer org hot
tapi tak yah ar nak tayang body
klu kte x tgur nnt kt akhirat akan disoal...
bace blk la buku agama time skola dlu...
mak n abah aku pun x cium dpn org...
wlupun dieorg lg halal....
lots of luv,
ibnu tufayl class..
orang bercinta perlu tahan nafsu...
ppl dont trust u anymore ashraf...
in this matter....its not about Ashraf wanted a privacy life or what...but HE HIMSELF should realize that he is MUSLIM...
Hey young man...u are not that great ok...cinta2 gak..but please...berani ngaku mana pendirian u sbg org ISLAM..
I knew u love pleaselah...
am i supposed to say this... BLAJA BALIK AGAMA tu...dgn ape yang u ade skrg ni...time akhirat nanti tak kemana jgk...
herm..someone above says that tgk anak malay this day..sme jer cam Ashraf tu...
let me rebut that...dunia hari nie..ULAMA ker para ilmuwan ker..they no longer the IDOLS of all these teenager,,,adela..but only certain of the...
ON MY POINT OF VIEW...remaja yang smkn ntah kemana nie la yang menjadi selebriti tiu idols antara faktor yang mendorong kejatuhan akhlak remaja adalah tingkah laku serta apa2 shja yang melibatkan org2 famous nie...
nak lg clear...Ashraf and Bunga..both were public figure..kte tau that he wanted to keep quietly about his private life...but he is public figure... of course people will notice any of their act...
and the main point is not about his love stories....anggap nie sbg pengajaran...i believe that Allah nak tunjuk kat mereka2 yg tak sedar diri tu by caught in act by the media...cuba pk2 kan...mgn hbgn mereka dh melampaui batas2 yang melampau,,,so as a result... kritikan2 dan pesanan drpd saudara yang SE-ISLAM ni la ynag mampu menyedarkan mereka...AS IF THEY REALIZA LA..u dont have to mention..Ashraf berani la...klu tak ngaku mmg dah tau...his picture clearly can be seen in the nak tak nak ke...he still has to confess rite....
bet all the malay girls and boys who dreamt of either of the couple doing stuff to them are crying themselves to sleep. back to jerking off in a sock.
malay muslims always think they're the best. one malay muslim actions is the threshold of all that is on the "do" or "don't" list. then all the idiots start throwing stones as if they've never even thought kissing happened. mum and dad got me at a car boot sale, kissing, what kissing? let alone sex.
malays will always be a 'malas' race and will always be content with pointing and sniggering at what happens in everyday life, like it or not, muslim or not, malaysian/indonesian or not.
stoopid bloody self-righteous anonymous arses.
apa kesah... even couple di malaysia pun mcam gaya diorang juga kalau bercinta. Bezanya, si sinclaire ni artist, tu ja. jadi kecohlah... dah dia cakap, ciuman dia bukan main-main. okaylah. dia bukan nak show saja-saja depn kamera...
sempena bulan ramadhan ni banyak2kanlah berzikir dan bertaubat.mana tau malaikat izrail datang menjenguk? ntahkan hari ni esok atau lusa kita semua akan mati.yg dah terjadi tu biarkanlah dan kita sbg org islam teruskanlah dgn cara dan kehidupan sbg org islam.amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar.
saya ni pun bukannya sempurna dan bukan nak tunjuk pandai menasihati org cuma saya berharap sbg muslim kita tidak akan lupa akan suruhan dan larangan Allah S.W.T
lagipun soalan pertama yg akan ditanya dlm kubur nanti " ma rabbuka"? betul tak?
haha..mcm2 korg nih...dala..x bek ckp pekataan yg buruk..benda dh buat..maybe lpas n jdi pengajaran la kt rmai artis... tpi jujur la...kalau smua2 smua laki dpat pluang mcm ashraf...dgn bunga pkai cmtu..ak pon cair ....hipocrit la spe kta dia tolk kalau dia ad dkt tmpat ashraf!!!!!
haha..mcm2 korg nih...dala..x bek ckp pekataan yg buruk..benda dh buat..maybe lpas n jdi pengajaran la kt rmai artis... tpi jujur la...kalau smua2 smua laki dpat pluang mcm ashraf...dgn bunga pkai cmtu..ak pon cair ....hipocrit la spe kta dia tolk kalau dia ad dkt tmpat ashraf!!!!!
waaaa.....abes r awek aku kne kisss ngan mamat kcuk nie.....eiiiiiiiyekkkkkkk
weh, emangnya Assraf itu Islam??gak semua orang Islam, goblok!suka2 dia lah mo cium2 pegang2 tete kek...urus aja diri sendiri lah, gausah bilang artis Indonesia buruk...goblok dasar!
Lelaki macam tu takleh nak bawak ke syurga..unless dier bertaubat. Allah SWT melihat segala2nya..dan InsyaAllah akan dapat balasan. Sian mak Ashraf nih..ank behave mcm setan.
X nak cakap pepe, tapi apa yang anda buat semua mengundang laknat Allah SWT.
Berpesan2 dengan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan dengan kesabaran.
Taubat lah, semoga Allah mengampuni dosa anda. Malu lah dengan Allah sebab dia lagi BERHAK.
Jauhkan dari Zina dan kemungkaran, Esok dan seketika nanti belum tentu kita masih bernyawa takkala Allah mengatakan JADI, maka Jadilah..
ashraf hidup dlm keadaan western ..moden ..
n xheran la kalau die dus kiss2 camtue ..
suke ati die la ..
lagipum bunga tue cantek!!
sapew xnk !
Cut the sanctimonious crap, people. Half the things you criticize these poor folks on, are the exact same things you'd want to do if only you had half a chance.
So get off your high horses. The air's too thin up there - it'll mess with your thinking.
The problem with this month is that it starts to bring all the pseudo-ulamaks from outta the woodworks. And half these jokers are people whose own backyards aren't actually all that pristine either.
I'd rather you admit that you too are flawed like the rest of us, are as spiritually confused as the rest of us, and are as unsure about the Truth as the rest of us. Because, for me, doing that takes a lotta HONESTY.
And I'm more drawn to a person that's honest rather than to a hyprocritical, self-righteous preacher.
Raille... u have a strong words... but i'm at Ur side 2...
To all. Kita sesama muslim nih x blh kata jaga tepi kain masing2. Kita memang kena jaga tepi kain saudara, jiran, rakan2. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Sebab drpd istilah 'jaga tepi kain' ni la akan ada org yg menegur salah silap kita. Mengingatkan kita. Tapi teguran2 tersebut ada batas2 dan tatasusilanya. W'alam.
Please. Neither your memorised recitations of verses from the Book nor your mindless preaching of hackneyed moral prescriptions impress me.
I wouldn't offer a person respect just because he's an imam, a priest, a nun, a person wearing religious garbs, or just because he/she spouts religious cliches ad nauseum.
On the other hand, my heart goes out to a stripper, a prostitute, or a waiter at a bar serving alcohol - who works these jobs as a means to raise a child, feed a family, or support an elderly or sickly parent.
The nobility of one's spirit is not in words but in quiet helpful actions. For our purpose in life is not to tbe religious, but to be enlightened.
Religion is the opium of the masses.
Sebelum menegur orang lain, periksa diri sendiri dulu.
i love your comments.... and totally agree with you...these jokers will do the same if given half the chance....ditto!
pandai buat...pandai tanggung wawawawawa...
Hey fellow msians, dunt act as though, he's the biggest DEVIL on earth jus becos he kissed Bunga!Look ard your country and im sure there's plenty of them who behave like him!Dunt you ppl agree?Artists or normal people?Dunt they?You ppl picked on him jus becos he and Bunga r Artists!If they are normal people, DO YOU THINK YOU PEOPLE WILL BOTHER???????????
You're all retards. Don't seem to understand the fundamentals of individual rights and privacy. To recall someone's comment above that:
"we care becoz we r a muslim. there are do and dont in islam, and this is definitely DON'T!
("Siapa yang melihat kemungkaran di antara kalian, maka hen- daklah ia mengubah kemungkaran itu dengan tangannya, jika ia tidak mampu maka dengan lisannya, dan jika ia tidak mampu maka dengan hatinya, dan yang demikian itu adalah selemah-lemahnya iman." (HR. Muslim, 1/69))"
That is so bullshit. Using religion as an excuse to malign your fellows. Shame on you. Shame on all of you. Don't think you all have that one-way ticket to heaven just because you guys think you're holier than Ashraf or anyone else. You're all just a bunch of two-faced, judgmental pricks. Not to mention hypocrites.
Mind your own "pahala". Better yet, get educated. Stop bitching about other people's personal lives.
It's just sad to me that the purity of that moment and the emotions shared between these two souls had to be shamelessly marred by the insensitivity of voyeuristic wannabe-paparazzos and holier-than-thou wannabe-ulamaks.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: Give me enlightenment over religion any day.
erm.. biasa la 2...
apa juak nk d malu kn..
artis b'cium br nk sibuk..
tp law remaja MALAYSIA yg b'cium n r0sak akhlak 0wg x ambil peduli..
pasal artis plak nk d seb0k kn..
erm..4 me.. b'cium da menjadi kebiasaan bg rakyat MAS...
k? adi0s...
"You're all retards. Don't seem to understand the fundamentals of individual rights and ..."
seems u don't understand the concept of islam.. pity of u.. i don't want to critizise anybody here, just want to remind, as a muslim, we are all saudara.. it is our responsibility to give advice (but not to keji maki hamun), and we dont have any right to blame people whether they will go to hell or heaven. it is all Allah's job.. but, we have the right to tegur, and as a matter of fact, actually islam has the hukum regarding this shameful act.. but, unluckily, malaysia does not use hukum undang2 islam, and so, our role here is just can kutuk the perbuatan keji so that the tuan punya badan can insaf & bertaubat..
btw, we r all not perfect, this advice is for all, inluding myself, not just to the empunya badan.. hopefully, no offense to anybody kay!!
Again, I implore you to distinguish between genuine spirituality and RELIGIOUS DOGMA.
Throughout the whole course of human history, the latter has been the cause and justification for numerous sufferings and humanitarian crises. The list is long but allow me to remind you of just a few where murders were committed in the name of God: the Holocaust, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisitions, 13 May 1969 riots, etc.
Do not equate dogma with enlightenment. Dogma and zealotry preach hate, exclusion and a very very grim view of life on earth. Enlightenment seeks harmony, intellectual elevation, and spiritual acuity.
Religious dogma is unthinking, non-empowering, and, to me, those who unquestionably subscribe to them are intellectually lazy, do not see the big picture, and sadly are very far from being enlightened.
THINK for yourself. The answers lie not in memorized and sing-song recitations and incantations from the holy books. Instead, put aside all the propaganda the imams and priests have been indoctrinating in you since young. And, search the truth from deep within your own self.
Then ask yourself this: In the universal scheme of things, is what Ashraf and Bunga did in that private moment of theirs by the beach really that reprehensible? Was there massive human suffering and hurt caused by their actions? Therefore, does it really deserve widepspread and public villification?
*Down with dogma, up with enlightenment*
WTF. When I read all these comments, I could see lots and lots of fakes and also pretenders. Come on u guys. Just becoz he's a celeb, u guys made a big deal outta it. And supposed that those who cover their head and put "songkok" or similar on the head would be the good ones. Sucha a bullshit these days. The level of "iman" depends on the inside, not the appearance. Don't give sucha goddamn bullshit as those who actually perform b'jobs on partners in public and caught on tape were women with head covers. The cover up is a plus, plus demanded in Islam, but if just wear it but still act like bitches, tehn don't wear at all. Up to Bunga if she wants to wear bikins,as least she's not a fake. Unlike some girls.
And plus, what's wrong with Malaysian people? Why when it comes to Islam, they always associated with Malays? The majority of Malays are Muslim, but that doesn't signified that Islam is Malay and Malay is Islam. Islam is a religion and Malay is a race. It's not unfair to generalize as it is somehow an unfair treat to other races which embraced Islam in Malaysia, such from Chinese, Indian, Caucasians etc. We embrace Islam as Islam itself, and not embrace Malays. So cut all these bullshit about "Oh, is he Malay?" Oh my God! He is Pan- Asian, or shall I say Eurasian. Malaysia is 50 years now. Just grow up and try to embrace the "Malaysian", not based on races such malay. So close minded and typical people. We can advise on things, up on us to listen and change or not. You cna criticize others, but critize yourself first and more rather than others. Man tend to look at others flaws but never look at own. These people are fake. Go figure.
yeahhh....i love this crowd...
terlalu banyak bakal2 ustazah, ustaz, peguambela dan juga bakal tuan magistrite kat cni.
kes ciom molot ash ngan bunga tu sebenarnya biasa jer. cuma diorg celebriti thats why la jadi havoc... well, salah of coz salah, biasalah apabila dah bercinta sakan(i luv u, u luv me.....) kita akan hanyut. BTW please take note that diaorg cuma manusia biasa yg akan buat silap mcm saya n awak semua... nobody is perfect...
mamat ash ni pon dah admit yg dia buat salah. sooooo? apa yg nak kecoh?
apa2 pon aku suka gak tgk kalu ash ngan bunga kawin... (bunga memang CUN!!!)
aku cadangkan korang beli cd bunga. best siot.. (aku tak beli pon, download mp3 jer..)aku yg tak minat at first pon dah start suka kat minah ni.
Ashraf al padang unta,
Aku setuju ngan kau. Daripada tak kenal BCL ni, ni jam aku dah gila punya minat. Kalau aku jadi ashraf puna aku cemolot jugak. In fact bukan setakat cemolot pun... lebih pun tak pa.
Engkorang lain nak kutuk aku... kutuk la. Bukan aku pilih pun masuk ugama ni pun. Lahir2 dah memang jadi gitu. Lepas tu macam2 law karut diorang tetapkan atas kita pulak tu. Separuh-separuh law tu memang tak masuk akal dan double standard pulak tu.
Aku pilih jalan sendiri.
Korang ni apehal.. tk suke kecoh sudah lah.. nak masok nerake krg nyer psl.. kn nabi ckp "Suruh lah kebaikan dan laranglah kemungkaran.." Suke org tu lah nk kluar kn hadith ke hape yg nk kutuk agame Tuhan tu apsal? Almk.. siap maki2 plak tu.. lagi2 si raille bangangh tuk.. sakit hati.. nak masok nerake, MASOK SORANG!!! jgn nk hasot org lain masok ngn ko.. prangai sebijik syaitan yg dilaknat...
ingat apa ni negara oprg putih ke nak bercium kat tmpat awam MASYARAKAT....INSAF LA WAHAI ASYRAF N BUNGA tau la awak 2 cntik n hensem...x yah la nak cr publisiti murahan...
Mungkin saudara keliru. Dalam coretan dan nukilan saya, tidak sekalipun saya mengajak sesiapa masuk Jahannam.
Yang saya rayu dan cuba untuk memberi rangsangan ialah supaya kita lebih menimba ilmu-ilmu kemanusiaan (humanities) dan berfikir secara kritis dan rasional dalam menangani isu seharian.
Acapkali orang kita lebih inklinasi untuk berbahas isu atas dasar emosi dan retorik semata-mata. Lantas itu, kupasan isu menjadi cetek, hambar, klise dan hanya menampakkan "kebangangan" mental kita sendiri. Ini yang harus diperbaiki.
Namun demikian saya ucap tahniah kepada saudara Anonymous kerana keterbukaan saudara memanggil saya "bangangh" dan berperangai seperti "syaitan yang dilaknat". If you can't present cogent ideas, then by all means, do resort to name calling. Good luck on attaining your Jannah, cos Life on earth must be pretty hellish for you.
yeah..yeahhhh... hidup raille
aku ni bukan lah bagus sgt dlm soal agama, so aku lebih kepada "cermin diri sendiri" sebelum buat komen pasal org lain... aku agree ngan komen railee. kupasan issue tanpa mengunakan otak hanya menampakkan kebanggangan seseorang.(banggang kuasa 18):-)
well "anonymous" ni mungkin mempunyai ilmu agama yang tinggi ataupun lulusan drpd Universiti sebelah middle east... tapikan, takkanlah di hari baik, bulan baik ni(ramadhan) nak kategorikan orang lain seperti "syaitan yang dilaknat"????
cam confident jer awak bleh masuk syurga terus yek..? so funny ler...
BTW, persetankan semua komen2 banggang tu, kan aku dah sugggest korang download lagu BUNGGA, best siot......
bunga...ohhh bunga...kamu sungguh gantenggg...
si raille ni islam ke tk? tk phm aku nk pgi hormt prostitute.. haram la wey!! lebih baik ahli kluarge mati dri mkn rzki yg haram... seumur hidup tk berkt.. masya Allah.. begitu ceteknye ilmu agame bgse msia.. btw comment "anonymous" tu btol pe.. and untuk asyraf al padang unte, islam tk galakkan cermin diri sendiri or whatever.. mcm mane tak perfect pon diri org tu, kene lah nasihat menasihati.. bulan puase ni bnyk kn lh amalan yerr...
hello hello.. kalo krg sume yg nk "cermimn diri sendiri' or whatever tu, tk pyh lah nk kesah n tgk website ni!! alamerksss.
sapa lah saya nak melawan awak semua...
la la la...(sambil dgr lagu BUNGA)
bulan pose dgr lah al-quran.. ni dgr lagu org yg buat maksiat..
Abdillah, servant of God, you impress me with your principles but I wonder about your sense of compassion and humanity. Would you really allow your family to die of hunger and destitution rather than provide for them in any way possible to survive? I really hope it's just rhetoric because to assume otherwise would imply that you are inhumane (which as a Muslim, you of course can't be, kan?)
If I were you, I wouldn't judge people too quickly. Some people may not have had the blessings you have, and are pushed to the extremes of desperation by circumstances outside of their control.
As a man with such a noble name, Abdillah, you would surely want to do justice to God, your religion and the human race by being that bit more empathetic to the plight of the less fortunate.
Otherwise, what's the point of all your religious knowledge if it doesn't make you a human being?
Lantak ah dorank bodoh. Love is blind and just because you're jelous, SHUT UP. Its not like Malaysians tak buat. Bodoh ape, skrg budak 13 thn dah buat (sekolah sek 9 shah alam). Ko x caya, tgk gambar dorank kat myspacfe, friendster, peluk2, cium2, ni sbb gamba dorank tersebar je. Eleh, sume actor/actress malaysia camtu ah, kecoh gle. kalau korang tgk yg mat salleh cium xpe. Aku sokong dorank. Bla ah ko.
Astafirullah.... bertaubatlah kamu sblm terlambat... memalukan agama jer.. muke jer handsome tapi hati... bersyukurlah diberi wajah yang sempurna..cepat2 lah bertaubat..
Cerminla diri sblm kutuk org lain...biar Yang Maha Adil ja judge...kita ni sapa nak kutuk2??Carila byk pahala...udah ler dosa2 tuh..
hey,in this case,i think we not suppose to blame ashrf n bunga..kita cuba jd diri sendiri...n could u all imagine kita d tmpat mrka b2,tup2 tb2 esk lusa da kuar 1 msia kantoi,mana nak ltak muka???mcm tu jgk prasaan dorg,ashrf n bunga least ashraf n bunga x hipokrit,mrk tnjuk kat masy.sapa mrk,mrk x mcm some people yg act good tp sbnrnya hancus!!!biarla apa mrk lakukan,slagi kita blh nasihat,kita nasihat...dorg pun da bsr pjg,as a muslim,of course they had learned bout islamic,so depend on dorg ah,pndai2 pk smada larat @ x nak tgung azab kat akhirat kelak!korang pun bknnya xde yg buat maksiat sblm nikah!ramai!!cuma org x nmpk je,cb klu org nmpak,mgkin korg lg malu dr ashraf n bunga ni...sbb korg dah kutuk bkn main kutuk c ashrf n bunga,tb2 kantoi plak yg korang pn sm je...jd,klu kita mampu,kita nasihat je,itu yg tbaik...drpd korg mencarut x tentu pasal,,dahla dorg dosa sebab beromen,korg plak dosa jgk sbb mencarut,maki,klu btl2 ikut pkrn aku,org yg mncarut2 yg x kira jantina ni mgkin ada feelin kat ashrf @ bunga,then jealous...thats y lpaskan marah n malukan dorg dlm blog ni...kt nak sound skit2 jgn melampau sgat,dahla dpt dosa mengutuk,dpt g dosa mjatuhkan maruah org tu yg dah sedia jatuh psl hal ni..lg,korg libatkan parent n d whole family!ONCE AGAIN,mrka dah bsr pjg,nak kata x skolah,mrk mmg skolah..n setahu aku smua sekolah di msia(x termasuk sek.cina,india@lain2) ni ada subject agama islam n WAJIB di ambil.jd,mrka dahpun pelajari apa yg sepatutnya dpelajari dlam islam,tgal mereka je yg patut praktikkan..sementelah mrk dah blh berfikir,jd korg x patut slhkan parent ashraf...mrk bknnya th ape ank2 mrka lakukan d blakang mrka...jd,nilah....kerana nila setitik,rosak smua susu,yg mampu aku ckap kat ashrf,ambl pengajaran dr kes ni,jgn ulangi lagi.....
Sebenarnya the men jealous tengok dia dapat si bunga (see the pic lah!), the women jealous si bunga dapat mamat ni. In between tu tak tau lah dia jealous yang mana.
di luar pon dah bgini..
apatah lagi yg di dalam bilik??
org x nmpak pon..
errrrrr... takuttnyyeee... ampunn..
emmmm......lepas tengok blog ni aku raserlaaa patutlaa mender ni dijadikan pengajaran nak maki hamun pun tak gune....bender da jadi....jangan lak korang sumer mengikuti perangai dier mentang2 dier public figure lemak berkrim disukai ramai.....korang pon tau kiter islam...pasal jeles2 ni apelah sangat kan...sendiri mau ingat...
ashraf..ashraf...rosak...rosak..ape larr nk jadik ngn ko...btol2...msti setan best dpt kwn cm ko..pengakuan ampun dn maaf ntah,,kalo tgh tgk sunset kt tepi pntai..kenelarr cium awek kiter???
what kind of shitty answer la wehhh!!!
apart from ashraf and bunga's scene, i would like to highlight about the 'wearing tudung for females'
GODDAMN IT, just because they don't wear, it doesn't mean they're not following what Islam states. and i would like to highlight one more freaking thing. how many are they in Rukun Islam i would like to ask?
muslims nowadays just look at the outer, as in, "ooh if this girl doesnt wear tudung and wears bikini, she's a whore".. "ooh kalau pakai baju kurng kan nmpak ayu".. for god's sake, ever any of u ask yourself, how many times do you PRAY in a day? Some of us don't even know how to PRAY. that is what we should highlight, assholes.
i notice even the tudung girls never prayed. same goes to guys. they just know how to critise the bare-headed girls without noticing what they're missing. and do you know how much GOD look to our PRAYERS than all of this?
and as for the both of them, it's not right for you to critise them in such a bad way. you can express what you think but you don't have to critise what he said or such. so what he kissed her? so what he touched her breasts? can any of you rewind back the time and tell him not to do it?
Every religion, not only Islam, states NO to all this. it doesn't matter what religion they're in, it's what they have faith in. i believe they knew what were they doing. i believe they knew what's wrong. so let them be. let them choose that way. it's got nothing to do with you.
I am totally shocked reading all of comments here..'So what if Malaysia people kissin another person in public?'WHAT!??
To the non-muslims,you guys probably don understan this..Its a BIG sin doing all this intimacy things..Is not Im not being absurd or backwards, but forGdsake, Don they feel ashamed doing these a duty or another Muslim to advice another Muslim whu commit sins..and is a sin to support all this activities..And what?they are proud doin this in public? Did you guys knuw,takin One sip of Alcohol can make your prayer goes nothing for 40 days (if im not mistaken)..What more to this? The issue of wearing tudung and prayers is another issue here..Whe main thing is,it is stil the same, doing all this ZINA, even you pray 5 times a day..DoSA tetap Dosa..And why some people her go to extremes trying to stand for this two immoral couples? You guys here, was like giving tickets to another people to commit sin, and what do you get for your comments, 'DOSA adala'..Hey, Do not pretend you guys knuw everything and everything can be considered as can be accepted in this Hi-Tech world..Sin is always be sin, tainted in kitab amalan...until then, bila malaikat IZRAIL datang menjemput dere is no delay even for a sec, So bertobatlah..Amin!
al qaida
al ihkwan al muslimin
jemaah islamiyah
what else!!!
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